The first episode of The Walking Dead without Rick Grimes tied up loose ends with deaths that were a long time coming.
The Walking Dead will go on without Rick Grimes. “Who Are You Now” was another incredibly strong episode with the perfect emotional notes, the terrifying arrival of The Whisperers, and the wrap up of a big loose end.
Over at The Kingdom it seems that Carol and Ezekiel are married and Carol is now officially the Queen we always knew she was. Henry want to go to The Hilltop to learn metalworking from Earl the blacksmith so that he can fix some of the things that are constantly breaking around The Kingdom. Carol decided she will take Henry to The Hilltop. Ezekiel wants to go with her himself or send Jerry with her but Ezekiel is clearly forgetting that Carol is more than capable of taking care of herself and Henry.
Along the way Carol and Henry come across what is left of The Saviors. The Saviors set them up by making it look like Regina was being attacked. She screamed for help and Henry stopped the wagon and went running to help when he heard a woman screaming. But it was a trap.
Jed, The Savior who tried to kill Carol when they were building the bridge, came out and confronted Carol. He told Carol that The Saviors who were left had been going through a really tough time since The Sanctuary fell. They were looking pretty rough. And they had walkers pulling their wagon because, as Jed told Carol, they had to eat their horses.
Jed told Carol that because she let him live back in the camp at the bridge he would let Carol and Henry live and they could keep their wagon and their horses but they were taking their supplies. And then Jed told her he was going to take her wedding ring too, which was pretty much his death warrant.
Henry wanted to fight The Saviors and not let them take Carol’s wedding ring but Carol told Henry to let it go. Calm Carol should have scared every one of those The Saviors.
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Savior Barbecue Anyone?
That night Carol sneaks into The Saviors camp. She douses the camp and the sleeping Saviors in gasoline. Jed wakes up as Carol is soaking everything and everyone in gasoline. Carol takes her ring back.
Jed begs her not to kill them and says that he will give back all the supplies and they will go far away. But Carol wasn’t about to fall for anymore lies from The Saviors. Carol tells Jed that the supplies The Saviors have are from people she knew that never came back. Without batting an eye she strikes a match and drops it and burns all The Saviors and their camp to dust. Good riddance Jed and goodbye to what seems to be the last of The Saviors.
The Whisperers Are Here!
While there were no major deaths tonight a major new threat did arrive. The Whisperers arrived at the end of tonight’s episode on The Walking Dead and there will most likely be some major deaths coming now that Alpha, Beta, and The Whisperers are entering The Walking Dead world.