Will Rick and Michonne’s child appear in the Rick Grimes movies?

Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, Chloe Garcia-Frizzi as Judith Grimes, Danai Gurira as Michonne - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes, Chloe Garcia-Frizzi as Judith Grimes, Danai Gurira as Michonne - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

It’s official – there is a Richonne child on The Walking Dead and it’s a boy! How will Rick and Michonne’s son fit into the Rick Grimes trilogy of movies?

Ladies and gentlemen there is a Richonne child on The Walking Dead and he is adorable. Little RJ (of course that has to be Rick Jr.) made his debut in The Walking Dead episode “Who Are You Now,” confirming that Michonne was indeed pregnant when Rick disappeared. Now that we have a Richonne child, we have to think that Rick Grimes’ path will somehow cross with Michonne and his son sometime in the future. Rick needs to meet his son.

The excitement over seeing that Michonne had a baby during the time jump is tempered by the fact that she was pregnant and had the baby without Rick. Judith would have been about 5 when RJ was born, and though the group no doubt came together to help her through it all, it’s difficult to imagine Michonne going through is all alone.

We didn’t see a lot of RJ in “Who Are You Now” but we saw enough to know that he’s adorable and that Michonne clearly dotes on him. There’s no question that Michonne was able to work through the pain of losing Rick by focusing on her son and daughter.

Now that we know Rick has a son he has never met, though, the next logical question is whether Rick will ever have the chance to meet him. Scott M. Gimple indicated that “What Comes After” was the end of Rick Grimes on The Walking Dead but it was the start of Rick’s adventures in a trilogy of Rick Grimes-centered AMC original films. It’s hard to imagine that Rick and RJ’s paths won’t cross somehow, and it makes the most sense that RJ would show up in the movies somehow since Rick isn’t coming back to the show.

Next. Season 9 of The Walking Dead is what we all deserve. dark

The arrival of Rick and Michonne’s son on The Walking Dead is important because he will carry on the Grimes name in the current Walking Dead universe. This is a huge moment for fans, and especially Richonne shippers, who wanted to see the apocalyptic power couple have a child. Now that RJ has arrived, though, we need to know Rick will meet RJ. It has to happen.