Season 9 of The Walking Dead has proven old habits die hard. When it came to the remaining Saviors threatening Henry’s life, Carol does not mess around.
Even with the time jump, the episode “Who Are You Now” proved that some people don’t change on The Walking Dead. As Carol’s relationship with King Ezekiel grew, so did her bond with Henry. Considering him her son life seemed pretty quiet at The Kingdom. But Carol and Henry’s trip came to a screeching halt when finding the remnants of Negan’s Saviors. While Carol was able to give up their possessions she could not tolerate their threats to her son. Her revenge for such an act of disrespect will cost the Saviors in this week’s most memorable moment.
When Henry rushes to the desperate cries for help against Carol’s wishes they find themselves face to face with Regina, Jed, D.J and the leftovers of The Saviors. By the looks of them, it has been a while since they last met. Taking all of their possessions, including Carol’s wedding ring, enrages Henry who tries to stop them. When he fails Carol agrees to let them take everything as long as Henry lives.
Carol’s moment of defeat is only temporary for later that night while The Saviors slept she poured gasoline over them. When Jed awakes to see Carol there, match in hand, he pleads for mercy. With no remorse, Carol lights and tosses the match, burning The Saviors alive! It is not until the next morning when Carol and Henry continue on their journey that he notices the wedding ring is back on her hand. Without asking about what happened, Carol simply smiles at him. It’s not long before they come across her old friend Daryl who has seemingly been living alone in the wilderness.
While Carol is never one to give up or give in, her means of payback definitely raised eyebrows and expectations. Ever calculating and deadly, Carol proved that as long as threats exist in that world, she will never stop fighting. She may have taken on a new lifestyle as a wife and a mother but she remains at heart a fighter. While she has not changed it also proves the world she lives in has not either. When dangerous walkers roam close by, dangerous people aren’t far behind.

Fighting violent people is not a foreign concept for Carol. While her use of fire to solve her problems remains a strong asset she has no patience, no mercy, and no need to forgive people who refuse to change. She lost her first child Sophia and will not make the same mistake again.
Assuming Carol killed every last one of Negan’s Saviors means that any remnants of his old life have officially been erased. If Negan were to escape his cell and become a leader once again, he would have to start all over from the beginning. However, his friendly interactions with Judith earlier in the episode may be proof that he has moved on from his previous ways at The Sanctuary.
What this could also mean is that aside from walkers, the only known threat to each of the communities has been vanquished completely. This can mean a brief moment of relief before the next threat makes their descent. By the looks of how the episode ends with Eugene and Rosita on the run from some pretty vocal walkers, the next threat may be closer than they think.