A list of the 25 most polarizing characters in The Walking Dead history
Trying to get fans to come to a consensus about the characters on The Walking Dead is like herding cats: futile, frustrating, and bound to erupt into some form of a polarizing debate. The show’s fans are known for their passionate love of some characters and their dislike of other characters.
Of course, there will always be some people who dislike this character or that character while other people love that character.
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When The Walking Dead decided to kill off Carl Grimes most fans were shocked and grieved for the young Grimes but others were happy to see the character go. And some people were rooting for villains like Gareth the cannibal from Terminus and The Governor from Woodbury. Although once The Governor killed off everyone’s favorite farmer, Hershel, his popularity dropped quite a bit, maybe even enough for him to end up this list.
But while fans can’t agree on much there are some characters that fans have almost universally seem to find polarizing from the show’s history. Some are currently still alive in the series, while others have been killed off the show. It just goes to show that while The Walking Dead fans may not agree on who should lead Alexandria or whether Carol should end up with Daryl or King Ezekiel they do mostly agree that these 25 characters were and are among the show’s most polarizing figures.

25. Sam Anderson
It’s safe to say the entire Anderson family was not going to win any popularity contests with fans of The Walking Dead. But Sam was annoying from the start.
At best, he was a whiny little kid not cut out for the post-apocalypse world. At worst, he almost got Rick and Carl killed and did get his mother killed. And let’s not even talk about how difficult it was to get “Tiptoe Through The Tulips” out of your head after hearing it played repeatedly on Sam’s tiny record player as he hid in his room after Jessie killed one of the Wolves in their kitchen.
Sam really was a goner the minute that Carol got into his head with threats of leaving him tied to a tree for walkers to eat if he told anyone that he saw her in the armory after Rick’s group had just gotten to Alexandria and were still feeling the place out. It wasn’t a question of if he would break, but when.
To be fair for anyone, especially a sheltered child, walking through a herd of walkers covered in blood and guts would be difficult. And for a sensitive child like Sam, it was just too much. Ultimately he couldn’t take it and screamed for Jessie, which made the walkers surrounding them turn on him and then on Jessie.
But since Jessie was holding onto Carl’s hand when she was attacked by walkers Rick was forced to sever her hand with the machete in order to for Carl to get free. It was after watching his little brother and his mother get eaten that Ron attempted to kill Rick and shot Carl’s eye out instead after Michonne attacked him mid-shot.
So while really all of the Andersons belong this list Sam made the top 25 because he put everyone at risk with his weakness and in the post-apocalypse world you have to be strong to survive.