The Walking Dead, Survival Rule Of The Week: We’re stronger together
By Liam O'Leary
Regardless of how strong we are alone, when larger threats (Like those coming to The Walking Dead) emerge, you must realize we’re stronger together.
I’ve always been a strong advocate for being able to survive on your own in a zombie apocalypse because, sadly, there’s always the possibility that you may be forced to do just that.
Ideally, you’d learn to become a capable and self-sufficient survivor, someone who can stay ahead of the dead, fight them if necessary, outwit hostiles, and keep themselves fed.
Of course, that’s in ideal circumstances, and, let’s be honest here: A zombie apocalypse will hardly be ideal.
The fact is, no matter how good of a survivor you are, you are, to some degree, at the mercy of chance and, no matter what, just one person. Bad weather could make finding food tough, and the dead will always outnumber a lone survivor.
My point? As good as we might be, we all need help sometimes in a zombie apocalypse.
Now, I’ll be the first to say, sometimes, the help you receive may not be ideal, but, well, we just covered the whole “ideal” thing, if you want specifics, however, I mean that you may find that the only other person around is someone you may not know, may not exactly trust, or may not exactly like.
Now, am I saying you should just merrily team up with a total psycho, or a heartless killer? No, but, what I am saying is this: In the end, it’s us vs. the dead. If you’re stuck choosing between a person you don’t know, don’t trust, or don’t like (Within reason, of course) and a horde of zombies, you take the person, otherwise, you’ll both just end up as new recruits of the undead.
On the other hand, we could end up being part of a group or even a community of survivors. This is a bit closer to “ideal”.
If you do find yourself in a group or a community, you need to keep it together. You can’t let things cause your group to break apart. If you have issues, settle them. Don’t just let whatever issues that may exist fester into something that can fracture your group/community. If you do, you’ll all be doing yourselves a huge disservice. How so? Well…
…You see, there’s an old saying, “Divided, we fall”, and, largely, it means that people of a common interest are better picked off when separated than they could be when united, and, in a zombie apocalypse, this is largely true.
Often times, against hostiles or zombies, if we’re a bunch of little groups, it’s easier for threats to starve us out, attack us, surround us, destroy us.
However, if we come together, we can pool our resources. Basically, five people against a hundred zombies or a hundred hostiles is in deep trouble, but, a hundred people against a hundred zombies or a hundred hostiles? I like those odds.
Now, if you want a more specific reason to try to keep your group/community together, I think I have one: No matter how big or tough a threat you may have already faced, there is always the possibility that there may be an even bigger one just over the horizon.
This isn’t meant to be defeatist or anything, just me saying that you don’t want your group or community to disintegrate, only to discover a river of the dead is marching its way toward you.
Which brings me back to where we began.
It’s important to be able to survive a zombie apocalypse alone. You can never say that you’ll never need to.
That said, there will always be things out there that will simply be too big for one person to face. The dead will outnumber us to begin with, but, they’ll really be able to do it if we’re by ourselves. However, if we come together, we can deprive them of their strength. No matter how good a person is alone, people are always stronger when they are together.
This is why you follow…The Rules.
If you like this and want to find out more rules to survive the zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can get it on Kindle here and on iTunes here!