The Walking Dead: Who will The Whisperers kill?
By Jeffrey Kopp
The villainous group have finally made themselves known to the characters, but which survivors will fall victim to The Whisperers?
Spoilers from the comics will be discussed, so if you are not caught up and/or do not want to know how The Whisperers arc plays out, do not read ahead.
The mid-season finale of The Walking Dead marked a huge turning point in the story as the newest group of baddies officially showed themselves to the survivors and claimed their first victim. After relative peace and no major human threats since the end of All Out War, the introduction of The Whisperers is truly alarming to both the audience and the members of the various communities.
Throughout the series, we have seen time and time again that while walkers are a huge threat, it is other people that you really have to watch out for. Now, those two threats are blended and the stakes are higher than ever. Each new villain group starts a countdown clock for our beloved characters and many meet their end at the hands of another human, showing that people aren’t always willing to band together for the good of humanity.
The death of Jesus was certainly shocking and devastating. Sadly, this will likely be the first of many characters that are brutally killed by this fascinating group. While the comics provide us with a potential blueprint of how things will play out, there is simply no guarantee that the same characters will be killed off during this arc. Both mediums are very much their own entity, which means that every character is in grave danger. That being said, some may be nearing the end of their individual stories and could be taken out by The Whisperers to showcase just how deadly they are.