7. Can Henry find a balance of work and fun?
This season, a lot of focus has been on The Hilltop, but one of the key things to happen so far is moving Henry from The Kingdom to the community to train as a blacksmith in order to return back home and be able to help fix everything up.
All it took was one night for everything to go sour for Henry. He got his heart broken by finding out Enid was taken, lied to Earl, snuck out, got drunk, and ended up in a jail cell. All because he fell into peer pressure.
Addy, Gage, and Rodney are survivors who are about Henry’s age, but he will need to prove he’s more mature and smarter than them. Gage and Rodney might be a little out there, but there seemed to be a little chemistry between Addy and Henry.
His relationship with these kids needs to be explored more as he grows and hones his trade at The Hilltop. And, who knows…maybe he’ll find some love in Addy!