Top 25 Walking Dead Villains of all time
By Nir Regev
9. Dan (The Claimers)
Introduction: Dan was a member of the Claimers who murdered fellow Claimer Len after Len tried to set up Daryl as a thief. He took particular sadistic glee in his actions and was clearly not the typical kind of good person-turned-villain due to circumstance we see on The Walking Dead.
Biggest moment of Villainy: When Joe had Rick, Michonne, Carl, and Daryl subdued, Dan planned to engage in brutal “relations” with a young Carl, and planned to murder him afterwards.
Everybody Hurts Sometimes: After Rick bites out Dan’s throat, Dan tries to stop Rick by holding Carl hostage with a knife to his throat. Instead, Rick stabs him with Joe’s knife and Dan pleads for mercy, to no avail. Instead, he’s stabbed again and again past the point of recognition by Rick. Similar to what Ellie does in The Last of Us to an individual.
The Good Side: None. On Talking Dead, Dan received the nicknamed Deserves-It Dan in a “In Memoriam” video.
First Appearance: “Alone” (season 4, episode 13)
Last Appearance: “A” (season 4, episode 16)
Cause of Death: Complete annihilation by stabbing via Rick Grimes.
Memorable Quote: “”I’ll kill him! I’ll kill him!” (To Rick, threatening to take out Carl if he steps any closer)
Next: 8. Jadis, Leader of The Scavengers