Top 25 Walking Dead Villains of all time

The Governor (David Morrissey) in Season 4, Episode 8 of The Walking Dead "Too Far Gone" - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
The Governor (David Morrissey) in Season 4, Episode 8 of The Walking Dead "Too Far Gone" - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
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Top 25 Walking Dead villains of all time: Season 1 through midseason 9 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus), and Jeff Kober – The Walking Dead _ Season 4, Episode 15 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

6. Joe, Leader of The Claimers

Introduction: Joe was the leader of the Claimers, a raiding group of bandits that literally claimed supplies and other “resources” to avoid internal competition/fights in the group itself. The Claimer leader would hold a grudge against Rick Grimes after he’d taken out a member of their crew, Lou, during a raid on the house where Rick, Carl, and Michonne had been staying. Joe would later recruit Daryl into the group and the Claimers would ambush Rick, Carl, and Michonne on the road.

Biggest moment of Villainy: Rick, Michonne, and Carl are completely outnumbered, and Daryl tells Joe to not kill them, that they’re good people… Only to be savagely beat down for “lying.” Joe smiles as he jokes to Rick what’s about to happen to his boy.

Everybody Hurts Sometimes: The head butt momentarily catches Joe off guard but the fatal bite to the jugular from Rick absolutely shocks him, and stuns the rest of the group.

The Good Side: Joe seemed fair at first by believing Daryl when he said he hadn’t stolen the other half of a rabbit that was split between him and Claimer Len. The Claimers then descended on Len and beat him down for lying and attempting to set up Daryl as a thief. It appeared that Joe dispensed justice harshly; as long as a member of the Claimers did not steal from another or lie, they’d be treated fairly…

Of course, Joe decided who lied and who’d didn’t. Fans saw what happened when it was more subjective…The rabbit scene occurred in “Us” (season 4, episode 15).

First Appearance: “Claimed” (season 4, episode 11)

Last Appearance: “A” (season 4, episode 16)

Cause of Death: Death by neck bite, walker style, from Rick Grimes!

Memorable Quote: “What the hell you gonna do now, sport?” (To Rick)

Next: 5. Merle Dixon