13. Glenn Becomes Live Bait
Season 2, “Cherokee Rose”
When Maggie and Glenn put off their run to the pharmacy to help Dale and TDog deal with a walker in the well, it seemed like it would be a simple procedure. But shooting the walker in the well would have ruined the water and possibly contaminated the water source for the other wells also. So instead they decided that they needed to try and get it out another way.
With the help of the others, they decided that someone would have to be lowered into the wall to try to get a rope around the bloated, slimey, disgusting walker. And because it needed to be someone small and light who wouldn’t freak out around a walker the group elected Glenn.
Glenn probably could have refused, but he wasn’t the type of guy that would say no when something had to be done. And he probably wanted to impress Maggie a little bit also. So Glenn let them lower him down into the well to try and lasso the walker.
But of course the plan went awry, and a loose rope almost dropped Glenn right on top of the walker. There were a few agonizing moments where it didn’t look like Glenn would get out alive. Thankfully he managed to get out. Agreeing to be used as live bait was a little bit heroic, a little bit stupid, but all Glenn. And it’s one of the reasons why he is still one of the characters that fans miss the most on The Walking Dead.