28. Morgan Saves Daryl And Aaron
Season 5, “Conquer”
Daryl and Aaron’s first scouting run together almost was their last. After finding what they thought was a semi truck full of supplies, they realized they were in a trap. They ended up getting stuck in a car surrounded by a massive herd of walkers. It looked like that was the end for them until Morgan appeared and saved them. That was the first time that Morgan interacted with the survivors since the “Clear” episode and Daryl ended up bringing Morgan back to Alexandria where he was reunited with Rick.
But if Morgan hadn’t risked his life to save Daryl and Aaron the story of the survivors would have gone much differently. Alexandria wouldn’t have been able to survive losing their only scouts, and accomplished fighters. Back then, Morgan was still operating with his “All life is precious” philosophy so he went to extreme lengths to save Daryl and Aaron.
While Morgan’s philosophy of not taking any lives turned out to backfire in a big way when he wouldn’t kill the Wolf who kidnapped Denise and caused havoc in Alexandria, that same philosophy saved Aaron and Daryl. So that definitely wins Morgan a few points and kind of makes up for his infuriating decision to not kill that Wolf and his attack on Carol when she wanted to kill the Wolf. Kind of, but not completely.
Still, it was a heroic moment. And it wasn’t Morgan’s only heroic moment during his time on The Walking Dead but it was significant because it was what reunited him with Rick eventually.