6) Human error
People can be…clumsy; We injure ourselves (or others) all the time through haste, carelessness, inattentiveness, and a variety of other reasons. Usually, these result in scraps, stubbed toes, etc.; Occasionally, these result in tragedies.
After the zombie apocalypse hits, though, our accidents can become far more disastrous. As I mentioned earlier, without proper medical treatment, some of our falls or scrapes can cause infections or injuries we may not be able to treat by ourselves.
Especially as we’re forced to do things that are more labor-intensive, like creating or fortifying a base to protect us from the elements, the living, and the dead, we can sustain truly grisly injuries from falls or from something falling on us. Even with medical attention, we have no guarantee of either coming out of it intact or even alive.
Worse still, even the accidents we have that don’t injure anybody, will almost certainly cause a lot of noise, and if there’s one thing it’s safe to assume attracts zombies…it’s noise. You might think you can breath a sigh of relief that all you might have done is drop some lumber or something, but, in the otherwise silent world of a zombie apocalypse, you’ve told every zombie for a mile where to start looking for you.
Moral of the story? Don’t be clumsy.