A lot of people love to watch The Walking Dead but not all of them watch on AMC, AMC Premiere or through legal means to get their undead fix.
In today’s world, many people have cut the cord, moved toward delayed viewing. or found alternate ways of fitting popular television shows like The Walking Dead into their busy life schedules. DVRs, replays, apps, and more have cut down on the live views, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t watching the program.
According to a report from Torrent Freak, AMC’s zombie survival drama series was the most-downloaded TV series among torrenting pirates for the first time in seven years, finally topping the HBO series Game of Thrones.
With Game of Thrones taking a break for 2018, it’s no surprise that The Walking Dead took over the top spot on the list since they came in second place on the list since 2014 with individual episodes being downloaded millions of times each.
Season 9 of AMC’s flagship program is currently on its midseason break but has brought back an intense feeling to the series with the first eight episodes and provided unexpected moments each week.
Here are Torrent Freak’s top 5 most torrented shows of 2018:
- The Walking Dead
- The Flash
- The Big Bang Theory
- Vikings
- Titans
Of course, torrents only make up a small percentage of all pirated television shows and movies, but looking at the rankings can give a great impression of what the overall picture of film and TV piracy looks like.
Next. Similarities between TWD and Bird Box. dark
Undead Walking fully recommends watching The Walking Dead through legal means and viewing live (when possible) to help the ratings numbers and support AMC. However, this does help to explain the dropoff in live viewing despite the show maintaining a massive appeal to audiences.