The Walking Dead panel speculates who won’t make it out of 9B

Khary Payton as Ezekiel - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Gallery- Photo Credit: Victoria Will/AMC
Khary Payton as Ezekiel - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Gallery- Photo Credit: Victoria Will/AMC

The Walking Dead killed off a major character in season 9A. What other major characters won’t make it out of 9B? Our panel has some ideas.

If you are a fan of The Walking Dead comics you know that one thing the Whisperers bring with them is a significant body count. While there’s a few red shirts every season that are sacrificed in various battles it’s rare for more than one main character to die in an encounter with a villain. Other than Negan killing both Glenn and Abe there hasn’t been any other major event that has resulted in the death of more than one main character. That’s probably going to change now that the Whisperers are here.

The Whisperers are notoriously predatory and they have no issues with killing anyone and everyone that they think interferes with their goals or is flouting their authority. In The Walking Dead comics this attitude leads to the deaths of a slew of major characters. Remember though that even if your favorite character is killed off they could still appear in a prequel, a crossover or a film set in The Walking Dead universe. Now that the universe has expanded drastically no one’s gone until they’re gone.

While the show probably won’t kill off as many main characters as were killed by the Whisperers in the comic there’s still a good chance that a handful or more of the characters who have been around for several seasons now won’t make it out of 9B alive. The members of our panel sat down to talk about each of the main character’s chances of surviving until season 10 and these were there thoughts:

Who Will And Won’t Survive The Walking Dead Season 9B

Who do you think won’t make it out of season 9b alive?

Sonya says:

"I think that the show is going to stick close to the comic when it comes to the number killed in the infamous Whisperer slaughter. We know that Carol and Daryl are safe since Norman and Melissa have three year contracts. I’d say anyone else, besides Michonne, is fair game. But realistically I think it will be Gabriel, King Ezekiel, Eugene, Rosita, and several of the smaller characters."

Sara says:

"I’m always so caught off guard by who dies every time, but I going to take a wild guess here and say Tara, Ezekiel and possibly some people from Magna’s group."

Jeffrey says:

"I’m really worried for our King. Ezekiel wasn’t really seen all that much in the first half of the season, so I have a feeling we might see him a lot in the second half before he falls victim to the Whisperers. Carol only ever gets to be happy for short amounts of time, so I fear that her current happiness is about to come to an end. If not Ezekiel, then I really worry for Jerry. Either way, I think the Kingdom is in for a heavy loss."

Sarabeth says:

"All I know is that all bets are off. I haven’t read the comics but I see people posting about heads on pikes…and I just don’t think the show will follow the same pattern. There will be heads on pikes but probably not the ones people are expecting."

Time for you to weigh in TWDFamily – who do you think is going to meet a terrible end courtesy of the Whisperers? Or do you think a main character from The Walking Dead will die another way? Tweet us your thoughts and join the conversation: @SonyaIryna, @WrittenBySara, @TWalkingDWorld, @SarabethPollock, and @UndeadWalkingFS