Teaser preview video for The Walking Dead episode 910: Omega

Angel Theory as Kelly, Lauren Ridloff as Connie, Eleanor Matsuura as Yumiko, Nadia Hilker as Magna - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Angel Theory as Kelly, Lauren Ridloff as Connie, Eleanor Matsuura as Yumiko, Nadia Hilker as Magna - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC /

There is a lot happening in the teaser video for season 9 episode 10 of The Walking Dead! Let’s break down the action and drama from the preview!

In the past, AMC has released both the sneak peek video as well as the teaser preview for the next week’s episode of The Walking Dead within hours of the current episode airing. However, that isn’t the way it happened this week.

The sneak peek was still released on Sunday night, but the teaser was shared on Thursday. This is something AMC should consider doing more often since it spreads out the excitement over the course of the week.

Anyway, here is the teaser video with some great glimpses at what to expect during season 9 episode 10 of The Walking Dead titled “Omega” according to the video shared on Skybound’s YouTube channel.

There is quite a bit happening in the teaser, so here is a breakdown of some key moments and what they might mean for episode 910:

  • Tara and a group go into the woods to look for their missing people from the Hilltop, but it seems as though they are not alone.
  • Lydia is confident that the Hilltop will fall and says they shouldn’t mess with her mother. They are bold words from a girl in a jail cell. Later in the teaser, it looks like she’s reaching out to grab Henry’s hand, with a possible bond continuing to form there.
  • Many people are surprised by the things they see. It could be the Whisperers arriving at the Hilltop or maybe someone else catching them off guard. Either way, it wasn’t a look of pleasure.
  • Finally, there are quite a few walkers…or are they the Whisperers? The stitches on the back of their heads make it seem like the latter. It’s hard to tell but one does appear to have the attributes of Alpha from the comics while others stand in respect.
  • The title of the episode is “Omega” and there is an Omega symbol on the belt of the person in charge. Again, this is likely to be Alpha.

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Which part of the teaser video has you the most worried or excited for season 9 episode 10 of The Walking Dead titled “Omega” on Sunday, Feb. 17, 2019? Let us know what you think in the comments section!