Back in the past, the refugees note that the radio has been playing the same message for days now. Frank wants to leave the shelter with the others, but Lydia’s mother holds firm and refuses. Little Lydia asks if Halloween is coming because she can be a ghost, and he tells her that every day is Halloween now with this freakshow outside. Her mom laughs but she stops when he grabs scissors and starts trimming his beard. He knows she liked it but he’s only worried about himself now. Her mom tells Bug, aka Lydia, that it’s her turn to play. They’re playing checkers but her mom says it’s checkmate.
Lydia asks about Henry’s second mom and dad, and she wants to know all about the Kingdom and how far away it is. Henry volunteers the information as Daryl explodes into the cellar and drags Henry outside. There, he rips into Henry for telling Lydia about the Kingdom. Henry realizes that Daryl was listening to them all along. Henry calls Daryl and “asshole” and says he can get his own answers.
Later on, Daryl goes down to the cell. Lydia has a nail in her hand but she hides it. Daryl sits outside the cell and offers her some pills for her ear because she keeps tugging on it like it’s infected. She refuses and he doesn’t care if she takes them or not. He tells her about the horses and their friends that are missing, and he wonders if Lydia’s mother has anything to do with it.
In another flashback, the refugees are starting to get cabin fever. One man tries to climb out a window despite the threat of the dead outside. 43 days have passed. They stop him despite his frustration. Lydia’s mother tells them all to shut up. A newly shaved Frank holds Lydia while Matias runs to the window and bangs on it. Lydia’s mother grabs him and throws him to the ground, telling him there’s no room for him and he has to shut his mouth. She chokes him until he dies, so Frank sings to Lydia and keeps her from looking at the horrifying scene. Frank’s eyes reveal that he knows how bad things are with his wife.