The interesting stuff from TWD 910
- Nooooo! Once again things aren’t good for the animals on this show. Horses were sliced open and fed to walkers while their skins were taken. Hopefully, that trend will change in the future and animals like horses and dogs will stay alive longer.
- Everyday Is Halloween. When I heard Lydia’s dad saying those lines, all I could think of was the song from Ministry. Come to think of it, that song would have fit pretty well with the weird conversations and scenes from this week’s episode.
- A walker attack! Lydia’s father getting eaten by that walker showcased one of the main problems with zombie kills on this show. The victim doesn’t flail around enough to avoid a bite and the motionless meal for the undead takes a lot of realism out of the moment.
- Letting Lydia out. Based on the results of Henry letting Lydia out, I wasn’t sure whether this was a good or a bad thing. Letting her see the community and know things can be different was an eye-opener for her. She didn’t attack Henry to leave and ended up holding his hand. It was a bold move, but one that paid off.
- TWD Rewards! This week’s code word for The Walking Dead is a lazy one since it was “OMEGA”, which is the title of this episode. The Talking Dead code word was “DAUGHTER. Code words for the three AMC shows can earn fans 200 points each, so SIGN UP HERE if you haven’t already!