Magna’s group embarked on a dangerous mission without permission from Tara in search for Luke. Their actions showed why one of them will eventually die, especially if they continue side missions.
The Walking Dead episode “Omega” was a true test of patience and trust from Magna’s group. Tara, the new leader of the Hilltop colony, made her first important call to come up with a real organized plan behind the walls and not take any chances winging it while out there searching for Luke and Alden.
Amazingly, Magna was the voice of reason and wanted to wait like initially planned. Magna eventually gave in to the pressure since they all agreed with a vote to leave that night. Yumiko is a leader and should have stood by Magna instead of unfairly pressuring her.
They were stuck in a circle trying to figure out their next move while out there, and they didn’t have a clue where to start while also being watched by a Whisperer. They were on their own with no back-up from Hilltop, which could have easily turned into the Whisperers taking another person right then and there with ease.
Yumiko eventually wised up and made the call (a little late) to go back and stick with Tara’s plan. Kelly didn’t want to go with that plan and wanted to rescue one of their own. Connie stood by her sister as Magna and Yumiko left. Kelly is the type of person who wants to do right by her people no matter how bad and dangerous the circumstances.
Yumiko later apologized to Tara for the rogue mission. Tara already knows that it could easily happen again, and it seems she is prepared for another future incident. Tara knows from personal experience from disobeying orders many times herself in the past.
The Whisperers made their way to Hilltop the same time as the guards brought back Connie and Kelly. Connie is at risk being within arms reach of the Whisperers as she attempts to hide from them. They finally realized that they were close to being victims at the hands of the Whisperers.
The group is strong, but they need to learn to trust Tara and the Hilltop. If the group continues to only trust each other and not the Hilltop, someone from their group will die. Losing any of them would be a big loss and a wakeup call to stick to the system.
Hopefully, they will survive and will not have to learn that lesson the hard way. Luke is caught and Connie is in a very dangerous position. If this situation doesn’t wake them up, it will sadly be too late. We will see if they can pull it together and trust in Tara and Hilltop this Sunday’s episode of The Walking Dead or if it’s already too late.