The members of Magna’s group on The Walking Dead are survivors. They didn’t make it this long because of luck. They survive because they live and are willing to die together.
Just seconds after Rick Grimes was whisked away in the helicopter in episode 905 of The Walking Dead, Magna, Yumiko, Connie, Kelly, and Luke were introduced as they found themselves in a field surrounded by walkers. It was here where this pack of survivors had to quickly decide what their next course of action would be.
With Yumiko injured and the undead closing in on them, they rapidly shuffled through some ideas before the sound of gunshots rang out and they were suddenly saved by Judith. This scene demonstrated right off the bat that this group is one that doesn’t rely solely on the word of a single leader.
After being blindfolded and brought to the gate of Alexandria, the group was made to make another decision. Do they enter this walled community not knowing what awaits them? Luke was totally blown away by the grand scale of the community and clearly wanted to stay, but Magna was distrustful and put off by Michonne’s sharp edge.
When being brought before Alexandria’s Council, the group was questioned and the differences between each character became clear. That being said, their willingness to stick together was totally apparent. Michonne’s direct interrogation of Magna created some tension that served as a catalyst for what looked to be an assassination attempt later in the episode of The Walking Dead.
After settling into their house for the night, the first in-depth look at the decision-making process of Magna’s group was shown. Luke, Connie, and Kelly called Magna out for risking their chance at staying by concealing a knife. They talked through their issues and made it clear that they can handle anything that comes their way.
When Magna noted that she was willing to get violent in order to keep herself and the group safe, Luke initiated a vote for them to save the fighting for people who deserve it and not the innocent residents of Alexandria. This right here is a clear example of Magna being the group’s leader, but her not have absolute power. She isn’t right all the time, and this method of voting prevents one person from having total power, which can be extremely detrimental.
It’s important to note that this way of operating isn’t totally foolproof. Just moments after having that vote, Magna steals the knife that Luke confiscated from her and sneaks out to Michonne’s apartment. It is here that she nearly stages an attack on Michonne, but is stopped and comes to her senses when she spots RJ. Even though Magna clearly respects the input of her family, there are just some things that she can’t agree with them on and must deal with on her own. This demonstrates that even though the group does use a voting system to make decisions, Magna ultimately has the final say.
Their voting system has drawbacks, as in episode 910 when the group discusses leaving the Hilltop at night to go out and search for Luke. It is here where the tables have turned and Magna is trying to keep her team from breaking rules, clearly having learned from her mistake at Alexandria. Yumiko proposes a vote and rallies Kelly and Connie, and ultimately Magna, to agree with her.

This turns out to be a massive mistake as the group leaves the Hilltop and realizes there is no way they will find Luke in the darkness. This decision may also have fatal consequences seeing as how the group was cut off by the Whisperers when returning to the Hilltop, leaving Connie trapped outside in the cornfields as Alpha makes her demands.
Throughout their time on the show, there have been brief mentions about the group’s time at a place called Coalport. Based on their dialogue, it has been revealed that Coalport fell and the group voted to leave their posts to avoid being killed in the carnage. The entirety of what happened is unknown, but this part of their past really seems to haunt the group. That being said, they realize that had they not voted to leave, they would be dead.
It is in situations like this where their voting system is really effective not just for staying alive, but for living with the grief and guilt afterward. Because they voted together to abandon their posts, the blame cannot be placed on any one person.
A quote from Yumiko in “Omega” sums up precisely how this group operates: “minute by minute, day by day, ride or die.” Magna, Yumiko, Connie, Kelly, and Luke have not survived roughly ten years in the apocalypse just by chance. They’ve done so because they are a unit that doesn’t put total faith in a singular leader.
Humans are flawed and leading via a dictatorship or even without the input of your own people is a good way for everything to come crashing down. Just ask the Governor or Negan how that style of leadership worked out. Magna is a smart survivor who can be a bit rogue at times, but still respects the voices of those dearest to her. Everything this group has been through since the dead began walking is unknown, but they are here now…and that is no surprise.
Do you think Magna’s group has an effective decision-making system on The Walking Dead? Share your thoughts in the comments!