The Walking Dead, Bounty: Things To Note

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Alanna Masterson as Tara Chambler, Katelyn Nacon as Enid, Cassady McClincy as Lydia - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 11 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon, Alanna Masterson as Tara Chambler, Katelyn Nacon as Enid, Cassady McClincy as Lydia - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 11 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
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Alanna Masterson as Tara Chambler, Katelyn Nacon as Enid, Angel Theory as Kelly, Nadia Hilker as Magna, Eleanor Matsuura as Yumiko, Matt Lintz as Henry – The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 11 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Alanna Masterson as Tara Chambler, Katelyn Nacon as Enid, Angel Theory as Kelly, Nadia Hilker as Magna, Eleanor Matsuura as Yumiko, Matt Lintz as Henry – The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 11 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

13) Do any of the other Whisperers have names? Considering how insistent Alpha was about being called “Alpha”, it makes one curious about how the others are addressed.

14) Sooo…did The Kingdom’s search party just miss the two herds  — The original one they were worried about running into before setting out to collect the projector bulb and the one they lured away from the theater — entirely? After worrying about them for half of the episode, they didn’t mention them at all once the mission is over.

15) After completing their mission, Carol and Ezekiel pass by a sign with a strange red symbol painted on the back of it. Whose is it? Does it belong to The Whisperers? Have they been staking out The Kingdom’s area? Why?

16) When asking Daryl how he lives with giving Lydia back to Alpha, Henry mentions having seen Daryl’s scars. Speaking of those scars…are we ever going to find out the origin of Daryl’s “X” scar (And Michonne’s, for that matter)?

17) Additionally, Henry mentions “When things went bad” at Alexandria. Was this during the war with The Saviors, or, is this the “After” Michonne mentioned in the mid-season premiere, “Adaptation”?

And, with that, we’ve concluded our Things To Note for this week. Was there anything you missed? Was there anything I missed? Feel free to throw in your things to note in the comments!

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