5 predictions for The Walking Dead issue 189: Lines Are Drawn

Preview of The Walking Dead issue 189 - Image Comics and Skybound
Preview of The Walking Dead issue 189 - Image Comics and Skybound /

What will happen in issue 189 of The Walking Dead comics? Here are five predictions for the Mar. 6, 2019 installment of the story titled “Lines Are Drawn”.

A new issue of The Walking Dead will hit comic book shops and digital retailers like Comixology on Wednesday, Mar. 6 and continue the story of the Commonwealth struggling with leadership as well as its relationship with Rick’s communities.

While it’s hard to know what events will happen in issue 189 of the comics titled “Lines Are Drawn”, it is fun to speculate. For that reason, let’s take a look at five things that could happen in Wednesday’s issue by only looking at what happened in the past and the three preview panels which have been released.

Here are my five predictions for The Walking Dead issue 189:

  1. Eugene escapes. Last month’s issue ended with a large horde of walkers redirected from Princess’ home heading directly toward Eugene and Stephane. The two are unsupervised and working on the train, but Eugene will be able to realize what is happening and escape. Stephanie will not be as fortunate.
  2. Tara riles up the Commonwealth. The soldiers and many civilians might be with Mercer in his stance against Pamela Milton’s leadership, but it will be Tara who rallies the troops to help the imprisoned defender. Her intentions will be simple: assassination! But she will ease the people into that plan.
  3. Mercer’s visitor is revealed. It will be none other than Rick Grimes who goes to talk to Mercer about what happened in the locker room. He will explain that the way things are done at the Commonwealth isn’t working, but there are better ways to approach the situation.
  4. An unwelcome guest. While discussing what to do with Mercer, Pamela and Maxwell are met with someone bursting in their office. It could be Tara, who wants revenge for what happened to Dwight and sees Pamela as the main problem. However, she will be stopped by Rick.
  5. Princess, Carl, and the others arrive at the Commonwealth. The issue will likely end with the reinforcements arriving from the Hilltop just a moment too late as chaos is once again brewing in the streets and Rick is in the middle of it all.

Next. 3 TWD comic announcements from NYCC. dark

What do you think will happen in issue 189 of The Walking Dead comics? Do you think any of these five predictions for “Lines Are Drawn” will come true? Let us know what you think in the comments section!