The good stuff from TWD 913
- Lydia realizing she can’t be a Whisperer. She thought she could live the way she did but after getting a taste of life outside of a zombie mask and eating food that isn’t worms, it’s no surprise she doesn’t want to survive that way…even if it is with her “mother”.
- Beta is not like Alpha. The way he comforted the bitten member of the Whisperers and had his wife notified was kind of endearing for someone who has to be tough to serve Alpha. She probably would have just cut his throat and moved on and let him succumb to his “weakness”.
- Fight or negotiate. These are the kind of conversations that don’t usually happen too often on The Walking Dead. Watching Carol and Ezekiel weigh their options before diving head first into a fight they know nothing about was interesting and a nice touch for a community trying to be civilized.
- Henry is sweet. It’s great that Henry gets crushes. Now that Lydia appears to be allowing herself to share the attraction, it would be disappointing to see them separated again. With Daryl wanting to protect her but not go to the Hilltop, it also appears he is taking his task of looking after Henry seriously.
- WHAT A FIGHT!! The battle between Daryl and Beta which AMC hyped this week was excellent. Although Beta was getting the better of Daryl, it was a moment where strategy beat out strength and power. All it takes is one mistake to turn the tide of a fight, and the crossbow-wielding tough guy got the best of Alpha’s second in command.