Through Henry’s adventure to rescue Lydia, we gained a long glimpse into The Whisperers. To find out what, check out The Walking Dead: Things To Note!
Henry decided to go on a little adventure for himself on this week’s episode of The Walking Dead, and what an adventure it was! Henry got himself nabbed by (The very frightening) Beta trying to rescue Lydia, was taken to The Whisperers’ camp, and was nearly killed by Lydia before Daryl, Connie, and Dog swooped in and made the save.
But, if I were to sum up last week’s episode as just that, I’d be leaving out so much! We learned about The Whisperers’ command structure, their political process (For lack of a better term), how they see themselves, and yet more insights into the mind of their matriarch, Alpha. Needless to say, there is so much going on within The Whisperers, and we’ve only scratched the surface.
Are you ready to find out more? Well, get ready, because it’s time for this week’s installment of The Walking Dead: Things To Note!