50 States and DC ranked by Zombie Apocalypse survivability

The Walking Dead. 701. AMC.
The Walking Dead. 701. AMC.
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zombie apocalypse
Lauren Ridloff as Connie – The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 11 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

41. Oregon

Oregon’s diverse landscape offers refugees from the zombie apocalypse plenty of options for seeking shelter. From the rocky shores of the coast to the mountains to the lush forest, there are quite a few places you can go, depending on what kind of location suits your needs.

There’s a man in Oregon City who has the right idea already: He’s building houses out of shipping containers. Fans of The Walking Dead have seen the lovely home Jadis built-in the trash heaps, transforming a shipping container into a lovely Utilitarian paradise. You can find shipping containers everywhere, including outside abandoned warehouse stores, so that means you can make a shelter in just about any spot you choose, just make sure you have an exit hatch on the roof in case you find yourself surrounded.

The lovably quirky Portland could be inundated with both survivors and zombies, so you might have to flee to the outskirts of town until things are quieter. If you’re a book lover, though, you’ll be able to find a treasure trove of books at Powell’s to keep yourself occupied until things settle down.