50 States and DC ranked by Zombie Apocalypse survivability

The Walking Dead. 701. AMC.
The Walking Dead. 701. AMC.
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zombie apocalypse
Seth Gilliam as Father Gabriel Stokes, Josh McDermitt as Dr. Eugene Porter – The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 12 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

38. West Virginia

West Virginia is nestled in the Appalachian region which means yet another state with spectacular natural resources to help afford the ultimate zombie survivability.

There are pros and cons to banding together with other survivors in any kind of apocalypse scenarios, as we’ve seen in countless Hollywood movies over the years. Doomsday preppers might argue that if you have “stuff” and the other people don’t, you’re an instant target and that means you should stick to your own.

However, if you want to make a go of surviving the zombie apocalypse with other people, you’ll need space to do it and if you’re in West Virginia the historic Greenbrier resort is a great place to go. Why? Because it’s a massive resort that has been around since 1778. It has survived the test of time and it’s not going anywhere. But since it’s massive, you’ll need help defending it. Once the perimeter is secure, though, you’ll be living large.

There are also a lot of places to go if you want to survive away from people. The New River Gorge is lovely, remote, and the kind of place that will keep you tucked away from zombies and people who might want to take your stuff.