Talking Dead guests for The Walking Dead episode 914 on Mar. 17

Chris Hardwick - Talking Dead - AMC
Chris Hardwick - Talking Dead - AMC /

Take a look at the guest list for Talking Dead on Mar. 17, 2019 when they will discuss season 9 episode 14 of AMC’s The Walking Dead titled “Scars”.

Each week, Talking Dead does a great job of diving deep into AMC’s zombie survival drama shows thanks to some great guests as well as some behind the scenes looks at each episode after they air on Sunday nights.

This week, the couch isn’t stacked with guests to join host Chris Hardwick in the conversation but that doesn’t mean they aren’t quality individuals. In fact, both guests have made multiple appearances on the show and should provide great insight for different reasons.

Here are the guests who are scheduled to be on Talking Dead on Mar. 17 to discuss season 9 episode 14 of The Walking Dead!

Denise Huth

An executive producer of The Walking Dead who is also well-known for her work on the 2007 film The Mist, Huth will be able to give plenty of insight into the filming as well as the behind the scenes things which helped to bring the episode to life. Part of the team developing the show since day one, Huth’s appearance on the couch might be a bad sign for the survivors during the episode since there isn’t a cast member listed for the program this week.

Yvette Nicole Brown

You may know her from her roles on Community, Drake and Josh, The Office, The Odd Couple, and more but she is also a voice actress with contributions to DC Superhero Girls, Pound Puppies, and Minecraft: Story Mode. However, she is likely best known for her multiple appearances on Talking Dead and even filling in as host of the program when Chris Hardwick was unavailable. Expect her and her notebook full of TWD info to give great fan insight into the show.

At this time, there is no third guest expected for the episode, but anything can happen! Still, even with these two guests, the discussion should be lively and insightful.

Next. 5 questions we have about TWD 914. dark

Don’t miss Talking Dead on Sunday, Mar. 17 when Chris Hardwick and these great guests break down season 9 episode 14 of The Walking Dead to find out more about the episode titled “Scars”.