Since the story is inspired by the comics, a lot of people believe they know what’s coming but 915 keeps things fresh by combining the comics and new storytelling. That said, there is a great deal of foreshadowing in this episode, both in the cinematography and in the writing. There was a sense of impending doom.
Very much so, and we also wanted to have a bit of misdirection too. Some fans who have read the comics know whose heads were going to be on the pikes while other fans don’t, so it’s kind of like how do we keep the tension up?
One of the exciting aspects of this episode is seeing another side of Alpha, who gets to dress up and have hair. What was it like bringing that version of Alpha to life?
We had a lot of discussions about the dress. We wanted it to be floral and we tried so many different ones until we found that one, which was perfect. She (Samantha Morton) is just so brilliant. She was an active part of the whole conversation.
Did she have any facial prosthetics in those scenes?
No, her face was completely her. With her wig, we had a little line of red and we made sure it had bangs to hide the scar lines. You know, Alpha is very good at skinning so she knows how to do a very neat skinning job.
With the scene of Alpha talking to Daryl toward the end, did you have to give them any direction or was that all Norman and Samantha?
They’s so good together, and they have such different energies. I find those energies really complement each other in a weird way, both as characters actors and they’re so wonderful together. I think Alpha respects Daryl deep down, and she wants Daryl to protect Lydia. She can “smell” somebody and tell who they really are.
Is Lydia an Achilles’ Heel for Alpha?
Absolutely. The scene where she cries proves that. In spite of everything she does she really loves her daughter. It’s undeniable.