As an ominous future looms ahead in The Walking Dead, we learn about the ominous shadows that lurk in Michonne and Daryl’s recent past.
This week’s episode of The Walking Dead was tough for me; Not because of the content — I love flashback episodes, even if it was kind of brutal — no, it was tough for me because…I couldn’t find too much to take notes on. Honestly, this episode was pretty straightforward: Daryl and his party came to Alexandria, Judith wanted to help, didn’t know why Michonne wouldn’t, we learned why, Michonne then told Judith why, and decided to help after all. Like I said: Pretty straightforward.
That said, after some rewatching, I did still manage to find a nice little collection of trivia in last week’s episode, because, as we all know, that’s what I do: I find all the little bits of info, references, callbacks, and whatever else, and bring them all together for you to enjoy!
Now, are you ready? It’s time for this week’s installment of The Walking Dead: Things To Note!!