1) This episode begins with (And, in fact, spends half of its runtime as) a flashback to Michonne finding Rick’s magnum and searching the area around the riverbank for his walker at some indeterminate amount of time after his “death” in “What Comes After”.
2) Jocelyn tells Michonne that none of the adults in her group made it. How many were there? With, apparently, at least a dozen kids, one would think there were at least as many adults.
3) Jocelyn also tells Michonne that the rest of the adults in her group “broke”. How? Why? Was there some specific event that caused it?
4) The thought of a specific event causing the adults in Jocelyn’s group to break leads me to another question: Did her group run afoul of The Saviors at some point? I mean, if they were able to get located by Alexandria, one would imagine that they were within range of The Saviors and, as we’ve seen with them meeting other groups, The Saviors could have quite the negative effect on people.
5) With the discovery of Jocelyn and her kids raiding Alexandria and kidnapping the community’s children, does this mean that everything she had previously told Michonne…was a lie?