Unlike the others on this list who died just because they had the bad fortune to catch the attention of Alpha Henry in some ways created this whole mess. If he had never gone after Lydia none of this would have happened. But he let his idealism overcome common sense and now war with Alpha and the Whisperers is inevitable.
Henry was a flawed character, and his total lack of consideration for how the King and Carol would feel if something happened to him was very selfish. Now they will be devastated and Carol will have to go through the loss of another child. Even Daryl couldn’t get Henry to take into account the need to be cautious in The Walking Dead world in order to stay alive. Now all of the communities are at risk due to his impetuous actions.
Henry’s death was painful to see knowing what it will do to Carol to see another child as a walker. The King and Carol have suffered a tremendous loss. Henry may have lacked the skills necessary to stay alive in The Walking Dead world but his idealism was something that The Walking Dead world needs in order to hang onto the humanity that keeps everyone fighting for each other. The actor who plays him, Matt Lintz, is wonderful and all of TWDFamily wishes him nothing but the best.
So that’s the “Red Fair” death list The Walking Dead fans. The characters who ended up on pikes killed by Alpha were: the Hilltop teens Addie and Rodney, Ozzy and Alec from the Highwaymen, D.J. and Frankie from Alexandria, Tammy Rose, Enid, and Tara from the Hilltop and Henry from the Kingdom. They went down fighting not for their own lives, but for each other, which is the spirit that The Walking Dead is built on. Love, family, loyalty, fighting for each other, and a better world.