The Walking Dead: All named character deaths from season 9

The Walking Dead season 9 logo - AMC and Skybound
The Walking Dead season 9 logo - AMC and Skybound
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Ashlyn Stallings as Amanda, Steve Kazee as Frank, Javier Carrasquillo as Matias - The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 10 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC
Ashlyn Stallings as Amanda, Steve Kazee as Frank, Javier Carrasquillo as Matias – The Walking Dead _ Season 9, Episode 10 – Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Frank, Matias, and Rose

  • Played by: Steve Kazee, Javier Carrasquillo, Caroline Arapoglou
  • Introduced: Episode 910 “Omega”
  • Died: Episode 910 “Omega”
  • Killed by: Alpha and walkers

Confined to the basement of a building, Frank, Matias, Rose, and other survivors were attempting to wait out the outbreak until help came. Among those waiting were Alpha and her daughter Lydia, which means bad things were bound to happen.

After Alpha kills Matias during a panic attack which was drawing the attention of walkers, he reanimates. Rose is devoured by one of the undead and the zombified Matias attempts to attack Lydia.

Frank stepped in to try to stop the chaos. When Alpha wanted to leave with Lydia, Frank fought against her, which proved to be fatal as his former wife was quick to take a knife to his neck to do what she needed to do to keep her daughter safe.

It’s unknown what happened to the other survivors in that basement, but considering the dead coming back to life and them being left in chaos, it might be safe to say that every other individual in that basement met their doom.