5 biggest WTF moments from The Walking Dead episode 916
By Adam Carlson
1. The Kingdom and the royal couple are no more.
One of the sadder things this episode was watching things fall apart. The Kingdom has been deteriorating for quite a while now and despite efforts to repair and rebuild, it fell when a harsh winter made it uninhabitable.
This forced the group to relocate. Everyone from the Kingdom gathered to make the trip to the Hilltop, where they would assimilate with the other community and have others head to Alexandria.
It was surprising to find out that King Ezekiel would be staying at the Hilltop while Carol is moving on to Alexandria. They both have experienced a lot of loss in their lives and need time to grieve now that they have lost Henry as well as the Kingdom.
It has to be asked as to whether or not the Kingdom will become a community again. Plus, the chances of Ezekiel and Carol getting back together need to be measured. But for now, it isn’t looking good for the hosts of the fair.