3. Negan makes a break for it
If you were told that Negan would break away from the group at a full sprint when allowed out of the cell, you’d likely assume he wanted another taste of freedom. However, that was not the case at all.
When Judith left the group to run after Dog in the middle of a snowstorm, Negan jumped into action to follow her despite nearly no visibility. Suffering a leg injury during the chase, he was still able to track down Judith.
Judith had found Dog and the duo was cold and struggling. Negan caught up with them and gave her his coat. Then, he proceeded to wrap his leg above the wound, pick up Judith, and carry her back to the group.
He got treatment for his wound when the group returned to Alexandria and even showed concern to Michonne about the other survivors. There is a chance this could open the door for Negan to actually be out of the cell for good…or it might just be an independent act of positivity for Judith. We’ll have to wait and see.