This week’s episode of Fear the Walking Dead features a very tense reunion and a brand new threat. Here’s your recap of “The Hurt That Will Happen.”
“The Hurt that Will Happen” begins with Strand making a video in case he doesn’t return from his visit with Daniel Salazar. His message is for Wendell, Sarah and Charlie since they were together when he left on his mission. If they’re watching he says he probably didn’t make it, and it’s up to them now. But at least he tried to save the day.
Strand loads up his supplies and his map before heading out. He grabs a beer and sets the “Skidmark” case aside before leaving the SWAT van to journey on foot. He drinks the beer and drops the bottle on a menu from the Dona Blanca restaurant.
When Strand arrives at his destination he finds the gate fortified with rebar spikes meant to keep the walkers away. A cat runs up and Strand bends to pet the creature as a walker impales itself. Suddenly Strand hears someone behind him and he knows it’s Salazar. He reassures him that he’s unarmed and when he turns he sees Salazar there with a gun. Salazar notes that the cat, Skidmark, likes Strand, who says the cat has good taste. Salazar points out that the cat licks his own butt, and then he fires the gun over Strand’s shoulder to kill a walker before inviting Strand inside.
Cue the credits, here we go! This week’s credits feature the mountain range at night, with storm clouds overhead. The flaming plane wreckage is gone but now there are two walkers trying to reach a crow in a cage above them.