Morgan calls Luciana to let her know that the road to the North is blocked by cars and radiation signs. She still hasn’t talked to Strand, but she’s confident that he will call through.
Alicia is worried that Al’s inside the roadblock. She was supposed to be keeping everyone safe because that’s her job, and she hasn’t been able to do that. Morgan reminds her that they all got on the plane. They made it there, and they will work together to find Al. Alicia spots a truck nearby that has a warm hood. Someone is close by.
They set off on foot, into the hazy forest. Morgan can hear walkers and crows and soon he finds walkers trying to get to the crows inside a trap. One of the birds poops on the walker. When Morgan takes out the walkers he becomes ensnared in a trap and falls to the ground with the walker. Suddenly someone shoots the walker. When Morgan looks up there is someone in a radiation suit there. “Take off your clothes,” she says. “All of them.”
She says she doesn’t want to shoot Morgan, and that talking is bad right now. He should breathe as little as possible. She gives him a knife to cut himself free and when she takes his staff he says he needs it back. The mysterious woman is frustrated that he won’t stop talking so she points her gun at him, and that’s when Alicia tackles her and puts her weapon to the woman’s throat. Alicia thinks she took Al because she’s wearing a mask and Al said she was investigating someone in a mask. However, the woman says she’s there trying to save Morgan.
The mystery woman, Grace, says that there are two water cooled nuclear reactors nearby. One of them lost its cooling system and melted down last year. It killed the people trying to keep it running and the walker she killed is one of those people. He is highly irradiated and that means Morgan needs to be decontaminated, which she can do back at the truck. Morgan asks if she’s telling the truth and he believes her. (For what it’s worth, it’s a good idea to believe people in radiation suits when you’re in the middle of a place full of radiation signs)