Fear the Walking Dead 502 review: Toxic people

Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
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Rubén Blades as Daniel Salazar, Colman Domingo as Victor Strand – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Rubén Blades as Daniel Salazar, Colman Domingo as Victor Strand – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 2 – Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC

The Fear the Walking Dead episode “The Hurt That Will Happen” slowed the pace down to introduce new characters and terrifying new threats.

Fear the Walking Dead “The Hurt That Will Happen” welcomed a familiar face back to the fold while introducing an intriguing new character. Not only that, but at long last fans were finally introduced to Skidmark. Let’s break down the highlights, lowlights and standout moments of “The Hurt That Will Happen.”

Highlights – Salazar’s Return

Seeing Salazar again was everything I hoped it would be. I’m a huge Ruben Blades fan and I have always loved how he and Colman Domingo play off each other. Strand has always been a con man in Salazar’s eyes and nothing season 5 Strand can do or say will change that.

Salazar denied Strand the use of the airplane because he knows that after all this time people manage to find a way to make things happen. He has seen Strand do more harm than good, and so his decision is based on what he knew to be true in the past. What he doesn’t realize is that Strand has changed a lot, especially since losing Madison, and so helping him isn’t as risky as it might seem.

Seeing Salazar’s reaction to the news that Madison and Nick are dead was gutting. He’s the only other person who was there at the beginning, before Strand was part of the group, and to lose them both was a major blow. Interestingly, he has no sympathy for Strand even with that news.

I’m really excited to see what happens between these two because there’s no way Strand is taking no for an answer. (And honestly Salazar probably knows that already because the guy knows everything)