Fear The Walking Dead panelists discuss Morgan and Alicia’s bond

Alycia Debnam-Carey as Alicia Clark, Danay Garcia as Luciana, Lennie James as Morgan Jones - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Alycia Debnam-Carey as Alicia Clark, Danay Garcia as Luciana, Lennie James as Morgan Jones - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC

On Fear The Walking Dead Morgan and Alicia share a special bond that is helping both of them process their losses and move forward.

There’s no question that Alicia has her mother’s strength on Fear The Walking Dead. After losing both Nick and Madison last season she went through a tough spiral of grief and rage but managed to come through it and find a reason to go on. But she’s still struggling, and Morgan is helping her move forward.

Everyone in the FearTWD world has lost people close to them, but Morgan has lost more than most as he has survived for so many years after losing his wife and son. He knows what Alicia is going through and he knows what it’s like to struggle to find a reason to keep going. His experience with Eastman that brought him back from the brink helped him, and now he’s committed to helping Alicia.

The two had a rocky relationship at first but now they have a very special bond created through trauma and it’s fantastic to see Morgan helping her to move forward and become the leader that she can be. She is living to keep Madison and Nick’s legacies alive but she also needs to find herself too, and Morgan’s quiet guidance will continue to help her find her way.

Our panelists this week discussed the deep bond that these two characters have and how they can help each other find purpose and redemption and keep the memories of those they have lost alive.

Bonded By Loss

Morgan has been helping Alicia deal with her painful past, what do you think of the bond that Alicia & Morgan have?

Sonya says:

"I think the relationship these two have is very special. When Morgan first crossed over some fans were concerned that he would become the focus of the show but I don’t think that he has. I think Alicia’s story is still very much at the forefront. She’s come so far but she still needs help dealing with everything that has happened and I think Morgan is the perfect mentor for her to help her. I think Madison would have wanted her to have someone like Morgan to help her hang onto her humanity and not just become a cold killer, even though she obviously has the skills to be one."

Sara says:

"I love the bond that Morgan & Alicia have! They have both lost so much, so it makes so much sense for Morgan to be there for Alicia as a mentor and offer her help along the way. They make such a great team together!"

Jeffrey says:

"The bond between Alicia and Morgan is probably my favorite thing in the story right now. They have both lived through so much pain and loss, so it makes sense they would gravitate toward one another. I think they are good for one another in the sense that they both can learn from each other’s past mistakes. Morgan is preaching Eastman’s philosophy to Alicia, which will hopefully help her find some peace."

Renee says:

"I think Morgan is good for her. He is calm & thinks things through.  Alicia is experiencing so much pain right now that I don’t think she is able to make good decisions. Her emotions are driving her. I think Morgan can help deal with all the hurt & pain and help her become a the leader she is meant to be."

Ethan says:

"I like the bond between Morgan and Alicia! I think Morgan can see what she has lost, similarly to himself. I see them being a very strong team in the future and i love how they both lead together and work together to make the final decision!"

Sarabeth says:

"Morgan knows where Alicia is coming from, even though he never met Madison and only briefly knew Nick. He has a shared past with her and he also sees how she is trying to step up to be a leader, which is something he can understand and help with."

What do you think of the bond that Alicia and Morgan have on Fear The Walking Dead? Tweet us to join the conversation: @SonyaIryna, @WrittenBySara, @TWalkingDWorld, @IowaMamaOf3, @EthanCorby, @SarabethPollock, and @UndeadWalkingFS