Fear the Walking Dead has returned! The group is stranded deep in Texas with numerous threats around! All this and more in an all-new Things To Note!
This season of Fear the Walking Dead starts off with the group already in trouble, as they wind up crashing a plane(!) somewhere deep in Texas, losing a bunch of their cargo, their ride, getting Luciana injured, and quickly drawing the attention of walkers(…and a trio of siblings stranded in the area), and all of that happens within about the first ten minutes!
They also meet (Well…sort of) Clayton’s old business partner, Logan, who peacefully, but unscrupulously, unseats the group from the dungarees factory they chose to make their home at the end of last season. Wonderful.
Of course, anyone with working eyes or ears could have found all this out! That’s not what we’re here for. What we’re here for are the things that aren’t so obvious: The questions, the references, the callbacks, and hidden little bits of information that so often get overlooked!
Are you ready? It’s time for a brand new installment of Fear the Walking Dead: Things To Note!