1) John mentioning to June that the longer they go without finding Al, the lower their chances of finder her get is a subtle nod to John’s profession as a cop.
2) This episode gets its name from Humbug’s Gulch, the chain of Old West-themed parks, one of which John used to work at, and where the majority of this episode takes place.
3) The title sequence of this episode is a field being blasted by a dust storm, complete with tumbleweeds being blown by and the “R” in “FEAR” being off set. This is hinting about the storm which forces John and June to hold up at Humbug’s Gulch.
4) Just from the pre-title sequence alone (To say nothing of the rest of this episode), between the cowboy music, the setting, and the tumbleweeds, it’s clear Colman Domingo (Who plays Strand, and directed this episode) intended this episode to pay homage to Westerns.
5) As the episode cuts back to Humbug’s Gulch (After focusing on Alicia and Luciana looking for Al and the kids), a walker wearing what looks like a trenchcoat walks through the storm. Were they an employee at this particular Humbug’s Gulch?
6) It’s a funny coincidence that, as John pursues Dwight, the bandana he wears to protect his face from the storm (When combined with the rest of his usual clothes) makes him looks an Old West bandit.