This week’s episode of Fear the Walking Dead features Charlie on a mission, Strand making tough decisions and lots of Skidmark. Here’s your recap of “Skidmark.”
Daniel Strand puts on some music and gets to work gathering supplies. His calendar says it’s October 12. He arrives at an empty parking lot and puts Skidmark’s bell collar on. He sends the cat out so that he can distract the walkers while he kills them, and then they go inside the store to add to their “collection”. He deftly avoids gunshots that start as soon as the door opens, because he’s the one who rigged the trap in the first place. Salazar grabs the keys from one of the dead walkers ad loads the supplies while Skidmark watches, and then they get into the car and take off to check more traps.
Back at the warehouse, Salazar organizes his new haul and then changes the day on the calendar, using the page to light a fire so that he can cook his dinner. Once he has his dinner he puts another record on and then sits down to eat, but not before taking out his teeth (since his teeth were blown away when he got shot) and summoning Skidmark to enjoy his own dinner. Salazar pets the cat as he eats.
Cue the credits, here we go. Tonight’s credits feature a truck in the middle of the field with the sound of an engine in the background…but it’s not just any engine it’s a plane engine.