5. Finding a new(ish) home
Carol has left the Kingdom. The main reason is that the community itself has fallen. The heating system has gone down and despite efforts to keep it running and even include entertainment to the people, it was no longer inhabitable.
Carol even decided against living at the Hilltop with Ezekiel after the two split up. The “queen” of the Kingdom made the decision to return to Alexandria, a place with some bad memories that caused her to run away once before.
On the plus side, there are some interesting things that will come from her living in Alexandria. She will finally meet Negan for the first time, which is something that is hard to believe considering how prevalent he had been in past storylines.
A whole new world will open up for Carol in Alexandria. While it will be a bit different to see her away from the group we’ve seen her interact with in the past, it does mean there will be opportunities for new pairings, new conversations, and new situations going forward.
What are you looking forward to when Carol returns for season 10 of The Walking Dead? Is it one of the things listed above? Is it something completely different? Let us know in the comments section!