You will constantly be in danger from the dead in a zombie apocalypse. The solution? If Fear the Walking Dead is anything to go by, it’s “Be smarter”.
Alright, everyone, I’m going to tell you something that will shock you to your very core! Are you ready? Here it goes: A zombie apocalypse will be dangerous.
I KNOW. I’ll give you a minute to let that sink in.
…Okay, enough goofing around. Let’s get serious: A zombie apocalypse will obviously be dangerous. But, just because it will be dangerous doesn’t mean you can’t make it easier on yourself.
Now, you might see the title of this and think “‘Be smarter’? That’s it?“, well, hold your horses, and let me explain what I mean.

When I say “Be smarter”, I mean “Don’t make things harder or more complicated for yourself in the apocalypse. Be smarter than that.“, but, obviously, I wouldn’t have had enough space for that.
I’ll give you an example from this week’s Fear The Walking Dead. After Skidmark set off the infected inside the store, Charlie asked Daniel if he had enough ammo to kill the herd that was following them. Daniel explained that killing them all like that would just draw more infected, and explained he wanted to lead them to his warehouse where he and Charlie could pick them off one by one.
That is what I mean by “Be smarter”. Don’t sit there and go all Rambo on zombies if you don’t have to. It’s a waste of precious ammo and, more importantly, the noise will just draw more to you! If you decide to just blast them all to Hell when you could get rid of them in other ways, you’re just going to cause yourself more trouble that you, frankly, could have avoided.

You know what’s a good way of dealing with zombies without making a lot of noise (Or, at the very least, making noise somewhere away from where you are)? Traps.
Seriously, we’re five episodes into this season and I’ve already spotted four traps. With a little ingenuity, there are all sorts of traps you can make for dealing with the dead or hostiles.
Look what Daniel made: Stumbling blocks that cause walkers to fall onto spikes. That isn’t that complicated. Why force yourself to have to try to face down a few dozen zombies, when you can just set up booby traps and let them do half the work for you?
Hell, if you have something noisy at your disposal, you can just dig a spike pit, let whatever your noisy thing of choice (Radio, wind-up toy, bird, etc.) do its thing, and just let the dead walk themselves into the pit!

Of course, if you have something at your disposal that can remove all of the work (I.E. Not even having to dig a pit to put spikes into)…why not use it?
So long as you keep your skills and your weapons sharp (Just in case), I can’t think of too many good reasons not to use the advantages you might have so long as you have them.
This doesn’t just apply to zombies, either: People have been using booby traps on hostiles for centuries. If it was good enough for our ancestors, it’s good enough for us.
If you have concerns about dangerous hostiles in the zombie apocalypse, you should line your base and the areas around it with traps to discourage any would-be attackers from thinking about attacking you. Let a few hostiles stumble into a few traps and they’ll get the idea they’re not invited in a hurry.
A zombie apocalypse will be dangerous, and it won’t be easy, but, we can make it easier on ourselves with a little elbow grease and a little ingenuity. Often times in the case of human beings, it isn’t necessarily the strongest who survive, but the smartest. Be smarter.
This is why you follow…The Rules.
And that’s our Survival Rule Of The Week! Hopefully, you’ve gained a little insight into all the various things you’ll need to look out for and do. If you like this and want to find out more rules to survive the zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also get it at Amazon here, on iTunes here!