Fear the Walking Dead 505 synopsis: The End of Everything

Maggie Grace as Althea - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 5 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Maggie Grace as Althea - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 5 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC

Fear the Walking Dead continues with season 5 episode 5 “The End of Everything.” Here’s your synopsis of episode 505, airing June 30.

At long last Althea is back on Fear the Walking Dead, but this time around the intrepid former journalist is in unfriendly territory as fans learn more about the mysterious Helicopter People. In this week’s “The End of Everything” Al has to find a way out of a potentially deadly situation.

Fans haven’t seen Al since she disappeared at the end of the season 5 premiere. Al, always after the story, decided to return to the plane crash site to see what was going on with the walker she killed. There was something about the walker’s armor that bothered her and when she returned to investigate she discovered that he was carrying maps and other interesting information with him.

Unfortunately, Al didn’t have a chance to investigate the story too much because she was attacked by another soldier with a stun gun. Her friends have been looking for her, and now we learn what happened and where she has been all this time.

Al’s determination to find “the story” is something that has gotten her into trouble in the past, but thanks to her tapes she was able to tell Strand where to find another plane – and Daniel Salazar. Her tapes also revealed Madison’s whereabouts while she was separated from her kids.

This time around, Al is on her own in a very dangerous situation and no one knows where she is, so it’s up to her to find a way out of this predicament.

Here’s the synopsis of Fear the Walking Dead 505 “The End of Everything”:

“Althea chases a story with dogged determination, putting the mission and her life in danger.”

Episode: Season 5 Episode 5 “The End of Everything”

Writers: Andrew Chambliss and Ian Goldberg

Director: Michael E. Satrazemis

Original Airdate: June 30

Fear the Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9pm on AMC.