Fear the Walking Dead: What is the helicopter group really doing?

Sydney Lemmon as Soldier/Isabelle, Maggie Grace as Althea - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 5 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Sydney Lemmon as Soldier/Isabelle, Maggie Grace as Althea - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 5 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC

Fear the Walking Dead revealed a little more about the helicopter group in episode 505 but there’s a lot that is unknown. Our panelists discuss their theories about this mysterious militia group.

The helicopter group from Fear the Walking Dead, which some people are referring to as CRM based on the information that was on the maps and paperwork that Al was able to capture in her video, is definitely a bigger group than it seemed at first.

When the group first appeared in The Walking Dead it was connected to Jadis and the Heapsters. Jadis had some kind of deal with the group to get supplies, probably in exchange for giving them people. She ultimately saved Rick’s life by having the helicopter group pick them both up. Rick was her ticket to being taken into the new community.

But know fans know that the same group is active in Texas, and specifically targeting the area around the nuclear plant. It was also revealed that the group is a heavily militarized group and has a lot of security protocols designed to protect whatever it is that they are doing at their main base. Where is their main base? How far is their reach? What are they ultimately looking for or trying to create? Understanding what is motivating this group is the only way to figure out what they really want.

Our panelists have some theories about this mystery helicopter group and what they’re really doing as well as what their ultimate goal might be:

What Is The Helicopter Group Really After?

After learning a little bit about the mysterious helicopter community from this episode, what are your thoughts about what CRM is and what they’re doing?

Sonya says:

The clues we got from Isabelle indicate that this group is very focused on the future. To me that indicates they could be searching for a cure. My guess is that what we have seen is the military wing of a group, possibly leftover government or CDC, that has doctors and scientists who are searching for a cure.

I think they are testing on people who they take trying out various cures to see how the affect the living and if they stop people from turning after death.  I think they were probably moved to a military facility like NSA Georgia at the outbreak for safety and they are continuing to operate from a place where they have food, supplies, power, vehicles and such which allows them to continue experimenting.

Sara says:

I definitely think that they are a secret government agency. I think that they are planning something big, like trying to reboot the new world. It’s also possible that they could be testing on individuals for a cure for the virus.

Jeffrey says:

This episode gave some small, but important tidbits of information. I’m now thinking that the CRM is a group that is working toward a cure or some sort of way to eliminate walkers from existence. Isabelle kept mentioning how important the future is to her group, so that would stand to reason that they believe there will even be a future in the first place and that this global cataclysm isn’t an extinction event. She also warned that her people are serious and we saw just how intense their tactics are, so we can tell that they will defend what they’re working for with absolute force.

Ethan says:

I believe that the CRM are looking to rebuild civilization. I think we got hints of that in the most recent episode of Fear. Isabelle made it clear that the CRM are about the future. However, I believe that they make people stay there. I think that they don’t allow people to leave but grant them access to the future. That way people aren’t able to leave and jeopardize their plans.

Sara L says:

CRM is quite a mystery! Both shows have left a few bread crumbs and with this episode, I now believe they are some sort of private military contractor group that was able to stay together and/or rebuild during the apocalypse. I noticed when Isabelle got the beer that the cooler was also stocked with MREs and she also mentioned the nuclear reactor.

In TWD Season 8 Episode 4 “Some Guy,” when Shiva met her untimely fate it was also surrounded by biohazard waste. I think maybe visiting sites like these were part of their plan to get things back up and running. This would also explain why they had the means to have so many places already stocked and ready. Obviously, the military is secretive and a military contractor even more so.

Most of the Fear The Walking Dead panel thinks CRM is looking for a cure. What do you think TWDFamily and FearFamily? Follow and tweet the panelists to join the discussion: @SonyaIryna, @WrittenBySara, @TWalkingDWorld, @EthanCorby, @MamaDeadHead, and @UndeadWalkingFS