Fear the Walking Dead 506 synopsis: The Little Prince

Ethan Suess as Max, Cooper Dodson as Dylan, Bailey Gavulic as Annie - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC
Ethan Suess as Max, Cooper Dodson as Dylan, Bailey Gavulic as Annie - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 6 - Photo Credit: Van Redin/AMC

Fear the Walking Dead continues with season 5 episode 6 “The Little Prince.” Here’s your synopsis of episode 506, airing July 7.

This week’s episode of Fear the Walking Dead see everyone back together again. Now that Al has been reunited with the rest of the group, the challenge shifts to finding a way to get back to Strand, Charlie, Wendell and Sarah.

At this point in the season with only two episodes left before the mid-season finale, all of the new cast members (that we know of) have shown up. Dwight is with John and June, and Salazar is somewhere out there. Grace is always around, it seems, and the kids are now with Morgan. Back on the other side of the mountain, Logan and his crew are still at the denim factory.

This is the point when everything starts getting complicated. The foundation of the story has been laid and it’s time to build the tension toward the mid-season finale. So far there haven’t been any major battles – or deaths – in season 5. But let’s face it: It won’t stay quiet for long.

The two figures that could have the biggest impact leading to the mid-season finale are Salazar and Dwight, both of whom have seen a lot in their own right and might be able to guide the group out of this dangerous new place. It seems like the kids want to go with them, too, so it will be tricky finding a way to lead such a large group out of such a treacherous spot.

Here’s the synopsis of Fear the Walking Dead 506 “The Little Prince”:

“Facing impossible odds, Luciana and the group work together to tackle an impossible task while Morgan helps prevent disaster. Elsewhere, an old friend presents Sarah, Charlie, and Strand with a solution.”

Episode: Season 5 Episode 6 “The Little Prince”

Writer: Mallory Westfall

Director: Sharat Raju

Original Airdate: July 7

Fear the Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9pm on AMC.