It’s hard to believe that it’s time for the midseason finale of Fear the Walking Dead already but it’s here and our panelists have predictions about what’s coming.
Time has run out for the survivors on Fear The Walking Dead. The second nuclear reactor is about to melt down and they have to get out of there. It also looks like Logan is becoming a problem for the twins back on the other side of the mountain. Which means that for a number of reasons it’s time to get that plane in the air or make a run for it.
There are a lot of loose storylines that might factor into the midseason finale. Logan’s storyline is finally going to get some attention, for the first time since the season premiere. Daniel Salazar is still out there somewhere doing his own thing. The twins on their own now that Charlie and Strand have made it to the truck stop where the others are which means that they could be in trouble.
Back at the truck stop the group still needs to fix the plane, get Dwight and John back to the others, and figure out a way to fit everyone on the plane and get it airborne before the reactor gives way. And if there happens to be a cure for Alicia laying around they need to find that too.
Most likely not all of these stories are going to get resolved in the midseason finale and it’s always possible that one, or more than one, character won’t make it out of the midseason finale. Based on what has already been seen this season our panelists have predictions about how the midseason finale will play out:
Fear the Walking Dead Midseason Finale Predictions
What do you think will happen in the midseason finale?
Sonya says:
"I think Daniel will show up to help the twins against Logan. I also think we will find out that Logan has some kind of connection to the twins so this is a personal conflict for them. Ultimately I do think Alicia will tell the others what happened to her, and hopefully they will be able to find some type of medicine to help her. I don’t believe that the radiation will be what kills Alicia and I don’t think she’ll die anytime soon. I hope not anyway. I also think Dwight will get some kind of confirmation that Sherry is alive, and possibly close. Maybe she will show up!"
Sara says:
"My prediction for the midseason finale is that Alicia’s fate is definitely going to be the huge subject in question. Since she was exposed to the radioactive blood, this could potentially be very dangerous for her. I’m hoping that there can be a way to save her, I really don’t want to lose her this soon."
Jeffrey says:
"The mid-season finale looks to have a ton of moving pieces that will culminate into a crazy episode. I think the nuclear meltdown will surely create a terrifying countdown clock that forces the characters to get the plane in the air as soon as possible. It seems like it will be a race to get to the plane and get out of the area before everything is contaminated with radiation. With Alicia seemingly being exposed to radiation, we may see her struggle with what may potentially happen to her. I have a feeling that she might keep what happened to her a secret for a bit while she processes it."
Sara L says:
"After sitting down and fully thinking out the previous episode, “Still Standing,” I have changed my predictions quite a lot. I firmly believe this radiation mishap with Alicia is more of a wake up call than anything else, she goes from not caring in her first encounter with the contaminated walkers to truly scared in this one, and that’s growth. In the sneak peak she appears to be in different clothing so I’m hopeful she got decontaminated. I believe this episode is a big turning point for her when she is faced with the reality that she might no longer live a long life. As far as the plane plan goes, I think somehow the group will get split up, with half getting on the plane and the other half having to find another way out. However the one prediction I’m sure of is that Sarah and Logan will have some very entertaining dialogue! I’m looking forward to an action packed episode!"
Timothy says:
"Alicia will live, and so will Morgan. Grace will sacrifice herself by giving them meds that cure radiation poisoning, and of course there will only be enough medicine to save two people, not all three. If Alicia doesn’t live, she’s going out in a self-sacrificial manner like Madison did.Our gang will escape mostly intact. Grace might be the big death, but I could see an unnamed kid or two being bit. Conflict over the mill will be setup for the second half of the season. Sherry will show up somehow. Perhaps alive, perhaps dead, perhaps only in the form of another note. If she’s alive, Sherry might be one of the gang that took the mill."
What do you think will happen in the Fear the Walking Dead midseason finale? Tweet us your predictions: @SonyaIryna, @WrittenBySara, @TWalkingDWorld, @MamaDeadHead, and @UndeadWalkingFS