The 5 best villains from The Walking Dead comic book series

The Walking Dead comic logo - Image Comics and Skybound
The Walking Dead comic logo - Image Comics and Skybound
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Sebastian Milton - The Walking Dead - Image Comics and Skybound
Sebastian Milton – The Walking Dead – Image Comics and Skybound

5. The Milton Family

  • Introduced: Issue 176
  • Notable members: Pamela Milton, Sebastian Milton

Looking back on the entire run of The Walking Dead comics, the Commonwealth seems like a rather tame place. While there weren’t many big moments between the survivors where danger was around every corner. However, it doesn’t take many big acts to make a big impact.

The Milton family always seemed dangerous. Pamela gave off the impression that she would do anything to stay in power and have a comfortable living and Sebastian’s entitlement was something he was not willing to give up.

Pamela’s power stretched far and wide. The Commonwealth was made up of several other communities, including ones comic readers never got to see. Thankfully, the citizens and soldiers there were smart enough not to follow their every move, especially when the two groups looked like they were going to have a showdown in the streets.

Key Moment: This is the most obvious one, but the moment that Sebastian decided he had taken enough of Rick’s leadership and acted on those urges was possibly the biggest moment in the entire series. Seeing him shoot Rick in his bed at the Commonwealth and return as a walker for Carl to find was absolutely crushing…and it’s not like Sebastian ever had any redeemable qualities in the first place.

Biggest Kills: Rick Grimes