In Fear The Walking Dead’s second half, Morgan’s group’s is asked to trust their old enemy, Logan. Makes you wonder:I n a zombie apocalypse, WHO can you trust?
The Fear The Walking Dead Season Five mid-season finale ended with Morgan and his group being approached by Logan, the very man who tricked the group into leaving the dungarees factory so that he and his former employees could steal it out from under them.
Logan explained he wanted the factory to find Clayton’s notebook, which he believed would lead to a stockpile of gasoline Clayton prepared for the impending failure of all the gas in the region, and when he and his ex-employees couldn’t find it…they beat him up.
This led Logan to ask Morgan’s group to help him reach Clayton’s stockpile before his former employees did. Of course, with Logan having already lied to get Clayton’s notebook once before, could they trust him now? And, this goes into a much larger question: In a zombie apocalypse, where everything is a struggle for survival, who can you trust?

Last week, I talked about helping other people and how doing so can create a community if you gather up enough people, but, as I was doing so, realized deciding who to help isn’t that easy, because, you don’t know who to trust in a situation as desperate as a zombie apocalypse.
Why? Well, let’s think about this for a second: Pretty soon after the zombie apocalypse begins, supplies are going to start to dwindle.
Yeah, for a little while (Assuming governments are still up and running to distribute them) there will, hypothetically, be enough supplies to go around.
But, how long you think that will last? A few weeks? A few months? Either way…it won’t be long. Sooner or later, the government probably won’t be able to deal with the ever-increasing zombie population, and collapse, leaving ordinary people like you and me left to fend for ourselves.

After that, whatever isn’t canned or dried or preserved in some fashion will start to rot, and anything that’s fresh will have no way of getting to you. This means that, suddenly, the amount of supplies will get very short, very quickly.
Why am I saying all of this? Simple: In a survival situation, living or dying may come down to getting that one essential that will keep you alive (Food, water, shelter, etc.), but, in a zombie apocalypse, that one essential…might be the last one, and, chances are, you won’t be only person who needs it. If it comes down to you or some stranger, both of you will probably do anything to get that one essential you need to survive, including lying.
And that’s the crux of all this: People will do anything to survive. This means they will lie, they will cheat, they will steal, they may even kill to stay alive (Whatever their idea of “living” means). Once you realize that, you start to ask yourself: Who can you trust?

You see, even without a zombie apocalypse, there are (And will be) sketchy people. Remember that whole “Whatever their idea of “living” means” I just said? Yeah…what you or I might think “living” means may not be what someone else thinks it means.
There are some people out there who think “living” means being a depraved, debased scumbag, and, sadly, those people won’t all end up as zombies when the apocalypse hits. Some of them will be hiding amongst us, seeing the fact there’s no law or order anymore as an invitation to do whatever they want to whosoever gives them the opportunity.

Unfortunately, it’s tough to tell who’s trustworthy and who’s not in this world, whether there’s zombies in it or not. That said, there are definitely a few things I can say.
1) Never let strangers know vital information about you, your group, your base, or any movements you may be planning to make. Until you know you can trust them, telling them this sort of information is inviting disaster.
2) If a strangers seems especially curious about what you or your group, do not tell them anything. This person is probably phishing, and you should get away from them at the first opportunity.

3) If a person or a group seems too good to be true…they probably are. Once again, get away at your first chance.
4) If a person or group seems squirrelly, it’s probably for a reason. Ditch’em.
These are good place to start when it comes to trying to weed out the bad apples in the zombie apocalypse. I can’t cover everything, and, frankly, there are some people, especially as the apocalypse wears on, who’ll become quite adept at lying, so, you should always be on your toes, but, hopefully, I’ve given you a good start.
This is why you follow…The Rules.
And that’s our Survival Rule Of The Week! Hopefully, you’ve gained a little insight into all the various things you’ll need to look out for and do. If you like this and want to find out more rules to survive the zombie apocalypse, why not pick up a copy of my book, The Rules: A Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse! You can also get it at Amazon here, on iTunes here!