Fear The Walking Dead: Dwight could be an asset against Logan

Austin Amelio as Dwight - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC
Austin Amelio as Dwight - Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 3 - Photo Credit: Ryan Green/AMC

Dwight is new to Fear The Walking Dead but he’s been someone that takes from other people and he may have insights that will help the group fight their latest threat.

In the Fear The Walking Dead midseason finale Dwight made the decision to abandon his search for Sherry and leave the area with the others to escape the radiation and to be with a group again. He’s spent his time since the end of All Out War looking for Sherry and reflecting on the things he did was part of the Saviors.

Those things he did could make him a valuable asset in the upcoming fight that seems inevitable. Logan’s group wants that journal, but the survivors don’t want to give it up. And if the oilfields that Clayton documented are real it’s clear that the group wants them so they can control gasoline production which means they’d control everything in the post-apocalypse world. Clean gas would be an extremely valuable commodity and it would give Logan’s group the power they seem to want.

Dwight knows what that power is like and he knows that it takes to take to keep it. Maybe he also knows what it takes to defeat it. Now that he’s focused on making up things he did like killing Denise, kidnapping Daryl and Michonne and Glenn, and all the other rotten things he did for Negan he can use his past misdeeds as a way to get redemption.

Dwight was trusted by Negan and that gave him access to Negan’s thought process and his ability to strategize. Will Dwight be able to use all that experience and insight to come up with a way to defeat this new group that wants to control everything? Our panelists have some thoughts:

Putting Dwight’s Past To Use

Dwight has seen this kind of situation before – one group jockeying to gain an advantage by controlling a resource like the oil fields. Do you think his experiences with Negan will give him some insight about how to stop this group?

Sonya says:

"I think it will. Dwight is a keen observer and while  he didn’t speak much as a Savior he watched everything that was going on, particularly what Negan did and how he thought. I think Dwight will have a unique perspective when it comes to fighting this group because the other survivors haven’t really come up against anyone like this group yet that have one specific goal- getting control of the oilfields at any cost. Dwight’s input could be very valuable. And if nothing else he’s a good fighter which they always need."

Sara says:

"I definitely think that Dwight is such a helpful component in this situation. He has definitely been on the dark end of a bad group, so I definitely think that he will know what to do in order to stop the group."

Jeffrey says:

"Dwight has been through this type of situation before, and a lot of people died. He may try to convince his new group that fighting and/or aligning with Logan at all could result in more deaths. Dwight knows that conflicts can escalate into full blown war. After all, he was there from the initial introduction of the Saviors to their eventual defeat at the end of All Out War. While the conflict with the Saviors worked out for Dwight and the united communities, they may not be so lucky here."

Tim says:

"Maybe. He might be able to see a new Negan rising, but he may also be so into the search for Sherry that he’s oblivious."

Sara L says:

I think being with Negan before will help him have insight on how they work and he might be able to help the group. However, I do think this will bring up old emotions for Dwight, so by no means will this be easy for him.

TWDFamily what do you think? Will Dwight have insights that can help the Fear The Walking Dead group beat Logan’s group? Tweet us and tell us what you think: @SonyaIryna, @WrittenBySara, @TWalkingDWorld, @MamaDeadHead, and @UndeadWalkingFS