Logan and his group have left the factory but they left it in shambles. Should the Fear the Walking Dead group make the warehouse their base of operations instead?
The factory was a great location for surviving on Fear the Walking Dead. It had plenty of space for any people who wanted to join them and create a community. It had supplies, and plenty of water thanks to the water. Logan’s group did leave the factory so it’s possible for the Fear survivors to take it back, but should they?
Logan’s crew destroyed almost everything inside the factory looking for Clayton’s journal with the location of the oil fields inside. So if the group decides to move back into the factory it will take a lot of hard work to fix up the factory again and replace the supplies and equipment that were destroyed or taken.
Daniel’s warehouse might be a better place for the group to set up a community. It’s secure, although not as secure as the factory. It’s well-stocked with supplies and vehicles and Daniel has managed to protect it by himself so that says a lot about the defenses that are in place. But the warehouse isn’t a home. The factory could be turned into a community with long-term growth potential. Should the survivors focus on what’s easy or what has the best chance of surviving long term?
Which location is the better choice for the group now that they have a lot more people including kids that need a real home? Our panelists had some thoughts about these locations and which one is the better option for long-time survival and building a community:
The Factory Or The Warehouse?
The group has grown in size and they’re going to need to find somewhere safe to use as a base of operation. Do you think they should go back to the factory or use Daniel’s warehouse?
Sonya says:
"I think the warehouse is a better choice. Or, they should pick up supplies from the warehouse and look for someplace else to build a community. But I don’t think the factory is a viable home for them long term. If they plan on going out and helping people they don’t want to choose a home that’s like a fortress tucked away they need a home that people can get to."
Sara says:
"I like the idea of the group staying at Daniel’s warehouse. It seems like Daniel really knows how to protect himself too so I’m sure he has some useful supplies lying around."
Jeffrey says:
"Daniel’s warehouse seems like a really solid place for the group to call home instead of the factory. While the factory’s location next to the river is ideal, Daniel’s warehouse seems to have plenty of space to house everyone and for them to base their mission to help others out."
Tim says:
"Warehouse — it’s well-stocked, and the factory may have been left a mess by Logan’s group. Still, the factory could be a decent second option."
Sara L says:
"With everything at the factory destroyed, I think they should go to Daniels warehouse now that Daniel is back for good. If all the roads are truly as bad as Logan made it out to be, maybe they should consider moving out of the area altogether."
The panelists all agree that the warehouse is the better option. What do you think TWDFamily? Which is a better choice for the Fear the Walking Dead survivors? Tell us your pick by tweeting us: @SonyaIryna, @WrittenBySara, @TWalkingDWorld, @MamaDeadHead, and @UndeadWalkingFS.